Tuesday, 15 March 2011

What's important?

I read some things today that caused me to consider what's important? Mountains out of molehills. You know what I mean. Majoring on the minors. Why does it happen?

Well, I guess it's to do with an individual's perception of what's important. For some, the time of the last bus is very important, and for others it's the lack of an ethnic presence in Midsomer Murders.

I own up. At times I find appalling some of the views publicised through the major media outlets. We seem to be losing our way. I think we need to get real. Is our society really without clarity of vision or do we just allow the latest loudest voice to hold court?

Let me give you some examples of matters that are worth addressing urgently.

Today thousands are grieving in Japan. Tonight millions will go to bed hungry. This month in some nations, many girl babies will be destroyed because girls are not regarded as valuable as boys. In our own country, people are losing jobs, companies are going into bankruptcy and plenty of children are being deprived of the loving input of a responsible father or mother. Our A&E departments are overwhelmed at weekends because of the increasingly high numbers of alcohol related injuries and accidents calling for immediate attention. Prisons are bursting at the seams and we have created a welfare monster that nutures the work-shy and irresponsible, on an equal footing with the deserving needy.

Thankfully there are folk who have dedicated their lives to helping those in need and various bodies and individulas do speak up for the oppressed. Meantime, and in stark contrast, there are plenty of voices straining to be heard as they utter a deluge of molehill sized complaints and expend adrenalin on minor issues.

Anyway, must dash, got to catch the last bus.

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